Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Andromeda (And)  ·  Contains:  Blue Snowball  ·  NGC 7662
Blue Snowball Nebula, Rudolf Bumm
Blue Snowball Nebula
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Blue Snowball Nebula

Blue Snowball Nebula, Rudolf Bumm
Blue Snowball Nebula
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Blue Snowball Nebula



Acquisition details



Just before moonrise: This is a short project of the blue snowball nebula using the big cassegrain telescope of Sternwarte Mirasteilas and long focal length.

The catalog number is NGC 7662, distance from earth is 5000-6000 light years.

This is a planetary nebula with a white dwarf right in the center.

Obviously, it has a very faint halo (IFN/molecular cloud ?) which justifies another imaging session and adding luminance ...

Nasmyth Cassegrain 900 mm @ 5940 mm (f/6.6) w. reducer

SBIG STL 11000 m camera

R 20 x 30 s

G 20 x 30 s

B 20 x 30 s


Sky plot

Sky plot


Blue Snowball Nebula, Rudolf Bumm